Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ice Cold

She wishes she would melt into the floor, but instead her naked body lay there, burning against the ice cold marble floor.
Repeatedly shoving and shouting profanities, fueled by rage and adrenaline, he gets emotionally beaten by the father, dignity stripped from his chest, pants slung low across his waste and a heart opened to the wrath of hate like a closet door. Now standing numbed, quiet and confused by shock.
She brought him here and swore to keep him safe, yet he’s never been so exposed to his morals. Now she’ll be spending her days proving to him she’s worth the fearful tears because she’s more than just another face.
You pathological liar, once again unable to take the blame, pointing fingers at everything but the promiscuous thoughts racing through minds of her once loved ones.
This is the the new testament of your typical Romeo & Juliet Story.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Good Morning!

It is actually morning somewhere in the world right now, so; Good Morning! Hello my two followers (give or take a little) As a loyal blogger, I wanted to inform you about my transfer onto a better, easier-to-use host for my blog. ->    http://reclaimourearth.tumblr.com/

Look me up!  
Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A masked ordeal

The reoccurring dream, once filled with endless thoughts of wondrous, new possibilities fueling blissful images dancing in my head, has now become a nightmare where happiness is the path leading towards total darkness. Lonely nights spent with my heart torn into pieces, beating on a vast latitude of dissonance, separated between oceans and time zones.

The journey'll be rocky and tedious, but the water will dry up and the path towards light will be steady once again, a victorious gift the rest of your life will be.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Before i die.

Countries I've visited (excluding layovers in airports):
1. United states of America; Washington State, California New York, Florida, Texas
2. Thailand
3. Norway
4. Germany
5. China
6. Denmark
7. Spain
8. Hong Kong
9. Portugal
10. South Africa
11. Sweden
12. Italy
13. France
14. Cyprus
15. Ethiopia
16. United Arab Emirates
17. Jordan
18. Oman
19. Laos
20. Switzerland

Places i want to visit:
1. Ibiza, Spain
2. Greece
3. Moscow, Russia
4. Mexico
5. Andorra
6. Costa Rico
7. India
8. Kazakhstan
9. Caribbean Islands
10. Jamaica
11. Iceland
12. Brazil
13. Argentina
14. Australia