Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oblivious to the facts?

May. 30, 2010
"Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened." - Dr. Suess

It may seem like any other 'cheesy' quote you see in your life, but this one really touched me. I guess when you are stuck in a sad situation, you tend to be oblivious towards the fact that you wouldn't be the person you are today if that little thing didn't happen. Believe it or not, everything has an effect on you. Some less obvious than others, some good, some bad, but they do.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

ninja/pirate/COD soldier

May. 29, 2010
So, my foot fell asleep before i did..not that i've tried, yet. But i will! Just as soon as i finish updating this.

I just watched episode 8, season 3 of Gossip Girl, and yes i know i am very far behind, but i just haven't had much time to sit down and properly enjoy the life of spoiled teenagers who live inside my computer.
Right, back to the reason i started writing! So i was watching this episode, and in it Blair and Serena 'ended' their 18 year friendship (we all know that can't just possibly happen), anyhow, i got very caught up in the whole dramatic scene and actually got quite emotional, it was crazy, but never the less, it happened! The reason these emotions were due to me not having communicated a lot lately with my beloved Astrid Samuelsberg. I honestly feel bad about not speaking to her lately, and i really should have set aside more time to catch up.
Anyway, enough with the whole drama queen session, i just want to add that 'Mr. Perfect' told me his clothes smelled good, his briefs, to be exact. The exact ones that i had washed and packed up with all his crap he left. It was, ehm, strange, but yes, the conversation moved on and he actually started bragging a little about his 'freedom', it may have been missed by a strangers eye, but i could tell. This was strangely after he told me that it kinda of hurt to think how great times we had together before, or something along the lines.

Well well, i have 2% battery life left and i can not be bothered to use my ninja/pirate/COD soldier skills to get my charger, so i end this entry here. Good night! :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Reckless Teenagers

May. 28, 2010

Yes? No? Maybe so?
Haha, maybe pink and yellow aren't his colors..
But we did however, find some very nice articles of clothing which at first were thought of as somewhat 'gay', but Brigitte succeeded in convincing Dominic otherwise.
All in all it was a successful shopping day, short, but successful.
At the moment i am babysitting, again, and trying to finish up some homework. Hopefully tomorrow it'll be the beach, got to catch some rays before the summer, even though, that's probably pointless because the reason we have summer is to get a tan during those hot months, not before..Oh well!
I can't believe it's only 3 more weeks of school, it's so exciting! That means i' starting drivers ed in about a month. 
Watch out Washington, there's going to be another reckless teen on the road!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Web Log?

May. 27, 2010
"I'm just a regular, everyday, normal motherf••ker." - Jon Lajoie

Aha! My good friend reminded me of what this word 'Blog' stands for, with the help of our little friend Google, of course (he isn't that smart).
Anyway, back to the reason of this blog..
'What happened today' you ask? Well, what started off as a completely normal day, is coming to an end as a (surprise, surprise) completely normal day! Although, it may become a little more exciting once i whip out that Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough carton of ice cream and put on an intense episode of Gossip Girl while snuggling up with Mr. Sammy! Oh god..what have i become? Enjoying sitting at home rather than go out an party with my friends? Hah! who am i kidding anyway, I'm not even allowed out, and no, I am not grounded, it's just my mother's rules for as long as i live under her roof.  
Anywho, enough with the complaining, I'm going to stay positive, you know, think of all the less fortunate people, etc. Plus, i need to get ready for an intense day of shopping with Dominic tomorrow, therefore, i need a good nights rest, otherwise i might tell him he looks great when he actually looks like shit. Or will i do that anyway? Nah, i'm not that mean.
Wow, i just realized how informal this entry is, i promise i'll spruce things up for next entry, i'm just really tired, and kinda pissed because i know did shit on my Spanish exam, the 4th one to be exact.
Adíos Amigos!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dance Assessment

MAY. 26, 2010

Gustav, Rebecca & I
This was our final dance assessment. We had to choreograph solos and a duet, then preform it together in one dance.

Oh dear lord.

May. 26, 2010

Ja, det finns dager som det er hardt å elske de som gjør deg vont.

May. 26, 2010

Hmm, jeg tar dette i norsk først og så i engelsk, ska prøve å skrive hvordan jeg føler, har aldrig gjørt det på noe annet en engelsk.
Noen ganger blir jeg bare så frustrert når folk ikke forstår hva jeg sier eller hvorfor jeg gjør visse ting. Jeg blir spesielt trisst visst de ikke respekterer det som jeg sier till dem, og ivertfall nor de lagger dumme, unødvendige kommentarar om ting som de ikke behøver å si noe om i det første.
Sometimes i get so frustrated when people don't understand what i am saying and why i do certain things. I especially get sad if they don't respect what i tell them, and certainly when they make dumb, unnecessary comments about things that they don't need to say anything about in the first place.
I found out that i was chosen to play the character 'Iris' in Fame, but i saw the email way too late, and had already written to them that i wouldn't be able to attend the show this summer. It makes me sad that i was given such an opportunity, and had to turn it down, but then at the same time i'm ecstatic that i was able to make it that far!
Other than that, i have been thinking about summer, and just how great it's going to be to get away from here, and hopefully for my mom to get busy with some of her own things so that she can lay off me little, otherwise i might just explode, even though i've already gotten everything off my chest that needs to be off, whatever i say just wont change how she acts or what she says. 

Restraining Order

May. 26, 2010
Just finished my arabic exam! Success, obviously i passed. Or did i? Dan dan dannn.
Oh and i got back my Spanish Exam marks..basically it sucked..ass. But we got full marks on the skit (Rebecca & I), so I'm extremely happy about that.
OTHER than school, Rollerblade man just wouldn't give up yesterday either! After making it very clear he said: You're going to prom with me. I replied blatantly: No, I am not. Even then he told me to make room for him this weekend so that we could hang out. I told him that we would see, but i clearly wont. I even made a restraining order. (Attached bellow) It's just for laughs, but hey, it looks somewhat legit. 

Monday, May 24, 2010

" was was not us that was the problem."

May. 24, 2010

Wow, so I have had quite the evening, some people wont leave me alone and some have already left, too far and too soon.
'Mr. Perfect' got all his stuff back today at school. Rachel was kind enough to haul it all over there. The moment i logged on to MSN, he started a conversation with me, it was simple, nothing personal at all. Until i asked him if he got his stuff, and he said yes, but you didn't have to give the picture back. And i said well, it was a nice picture, and you paid for it, plus now you have all your stuff back. He didn't accept that as an answer, i guess he knows me too well. I told him, well there was no point of me keeping something that hurt to look at. His reply was cold, but i guess it's what he honestly believed; "True, but we know very well that it was not us that was the problem."
That was th first time i had had a proper conversation with him, and his last response hurt a little. Oh well..Life moves on!

So I told Rollerblade man that i wasn't ready to be involved with anyone, and he just wouldn't accept it, even after all of this (read beneath) he called me, AND asked me to prom? Hah, Some people just don't get it. I guess we, as humans, don't want to accept what we don't want to hear, which a lot of the time, is reality, sadly.

Rollerblade Man:
fair enough
nice knowing ya
coz it seems
u dont wanna talk to me either

never said that, ive been busy, i didnt see your call or text till i was done exercising

Rollerblade Man:
well, u dont have much interest me anymore
this is why i really dont go for girls who are younger than me or my age
so immature.
made the same mistake again.
gave it a shot
Deja Vu
as they say

you know what, im sorry that i didnt fall head over heals for you and got over my ex in the first minute i started talking to you, but the things is this is how i feel, and i can not change that.
i will not force myself into something i dont feel comfortable with
and you should not make me feel guilty about how i feel.

Rollerblade Man:

there is nothing immature about that. 
Rollerblade Man:
my friend is having this party on june 9th, its gonna be hugeee, do you want to come with me?

i cant, my parents down let me go to parties.

Rollerblade Man:
okay, well im seeing you this weekend, yeh?

well i already have some plans.

Rollerblade Man:
you know what
fuck this


Rollerblade Man:
You know what, i'm not going to give up on you.

Is that supposed to scare me? hah

Rollerblade Man:
No, haha.
well i guess ive a very bad timing

Sadly, yes. You should enjoy your last weeks in dubai with someone more..emotionally stable than me.  

Rollerblade Man:
haha but u are fine  
lets make it work
lets work this through together  

Im sorry, i can't.   

Rollerblade Man:
yes u can

i really, honsetly cant. No.
you deserve someone good, someone who will treat you well.

Rollerblade Man:
u treat me well
fuck it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Beware The Rollerblade Man

May. 23, 2010

This is one very important thing to keep in mind, even live by; Don't think you know someone before you've really met them, don't assume & don't expect, and if you are going to expect anything, expect the unexpected, otherwise you will just be let down. This has got to be best advice i can give when entering an unknown situation, possibly even any situation at all.
Some people in this world are just so..unique, so different, it's just fascinating. I met someone the other day that i had talked to for a bit via Facebook, the encounter was at first awkward, then alright and then just pure weird. All I'm going to say is, 'ever applied a vacuum cleaner to your mouth'?. No? Okay, don't try it, unless you want to prepare yourself for 'the 'Rollerblade Man', or any of his fellow types.

Other than my strange encounter, i had a pretty good long weekend. Yesterday had girl time with the wonderful two, Anna & Rebecca (+Viktor..and at one point, Rollerblade Man) and then headed to the beach today, where i believe improved my tan quite a bit, sadly it focused mostly on my chest. You could say I'm a little pink..
Nevertheless, I inherited some of Rebecca's clothes! (Which i am extremely happy about) Now i don't need to buy a white t-shirt, success!

Friday, May 21, 2010

It's insecurity.

May. 22, 2010

Hmm, it's interesting what some people lie about.. Sometimes its just those stupid things that don't make a difference, but why lie about it? It really bothers me. But i guess some people just do it to impress, or make them seem better than they really are. It basically comes down to insecurity i believe.
Today i chilled with Philipp, went to McDonalds, played Xbox Live. And now I'm babysitting. I was hoping that tonight would be an early night, but it all depends on when the parents come home.
Maybe i'll study a little for the math exam, MAYBE.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Absolute Craziness?

May. 21, 2010

"I do not know you well, but what I know Enchants me, like a song sung far away.
cannot hear the words, but what they say Hangs softly on the hills where I must go.
I see you furtively and note your eyes,
Hazel and dreamy, your spirit half elsewhere;
I note the sheen of your light, lustrous hair
And wish I knew your thoughts and shared your cries.

This feeling brings me sweet pain, but I want more,
Driven by a dream I can't control.
I want the truth of you, untamed and whole;
In frantic hope I haunt your open door."

What do you say to this? I'm blown away that after talking to a guy for a few days they write these things supposedly about how they feel. to be honest, it's kind of strange, and weird, but i guess as humans, we like this kind of attention, whether we admit it or not.
Anyway, so today was Thursday (our Friday), end of the week, finally! I finished my in class essay en español! I'm so happy it's over. It was actually easy though, i guess its just the fact that it counts for a huge part of my grade that'll make me nervous, but I'm sure i did alright.

Tonight I even met up with Rachel Singer! I miss that girl so much, we live 15 minutes or less away from each other and hardly ever see one another, absolute craziness i tell you! Tomorrow its to Philipp's, and possibly Viktor's for a little to say hi to Rebecca and Dominic. Then babysitting at night, ugh, joy! Anyway, I'm dead, i should have been asleep like two hours ago. So, Good night!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Beginning of the End

May. 19, 2010
"Beautiful girls all over the world i could be chasing but my time would be wasted they got nothin' on you baby nothin' on you baby"

Sadly i have nothing super exciting to write in my first blog, today was another day at school. Nothing but routine..although, I was in an extremely good mood today.
I'm not sure why though, I believe it's because its the beginning of the end.
The end being him. Being the pain, and the emotional suffering.
I hate endings, i hate knowing things are done and they will never go back to the way they used to be. I despise it with a passion, but that's life. things come and go, whether you are ready or not.


Another reason of me being in this great mood is probably because of this one amazing person called
Rebecca Cederhage. All i can say is i love you, no matter how ri-tarded you act.
Lucky me gets to stay with her from Saturday to Monday! Oh dear lord..what we'll get up to probably isn't good to know..