Saturday, June 26, 2010

Beautiful Summer!

June. 26, 2010
I arrived in Washington not to long ago! I must say its quite surreal being back again, actually pretty strange if i must say. I've ben here for about a week now, crazy to think i have more than two months ahead of me. But, i am definitely not complaining! 

I haven't had much time to do anything since i got here, is tarted with drivers ed right away and on top of classes, i have drives as well. But this weekend i get to see my oldest friend, Ali! I can already sense some intense shopping and late nights ahead of me.  However, no need to worry about sleepless nights! Ahh, the beauty of summer.

I've even been working out lots and eating good, so hopefully i wont become one of the Average American people. 

Anyway, i should get ready for the day, and put some pants on, because sunshine doesn't look very promising today, or the next few days for that matter! Hasta luego! 

Thursday, June 17, 2010


June. 17, 2010

Today was the last day at school, it was rather sad if i must say, i even cried! Well, mostly cause Rebecca started crying and Anna was already crying, it was all a bunch of waterworks. I must say, i hate endings, knowing this are over and will never be the same. I'm pretty sure i mentioned that before as well, but it's true, it's one of the 
saddest things in life. But i know with 
endings, there are also new beginnings.

I would also like to add that the dance was a success, and I'm happy that we went through with it, now we know our strengths and weaknesses so we can make next year's dance bigger and better, which i mentioned in the speech i gave at the assembly today.

I can't believe summer is actually here. I mean, a few weeks ago i couldn't wait, and now it feels so surreal, thinking i don't have teachers or assessments for over two months, shit.. What could i possibly entertain myself with for such a long time? Then again, i may be saying this now, but i know the summer will fly by, just like this school year.

Agh, anyway, why am i acting so depressed?! It's not the end of the world, geez Brigitte! There are people to meet, places to see and things to do! Starting off with that 17 hour airplane ride..Woop woop. 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Barbie meets Action Man

June. 5, 2010
I couldn't think of anything to open this journal entry off with so i'll just dive straight into it, head first!
Dominic came over and i pwned his 4ss in COD, it was quite the sight, i must say I'm pretty impressed with myself..not that i doubted i would, i mean clearly i would win..
We even tested the old PS2 out, which turned out to be slowly breaking down on me, just like my phone.

Following the whole g4m3r aspect of the day, we headed to Shams Al Barsha, the coolest restaurant in the world, and ordered some smoothies, which was complimented very nicely with lasagne and chocolate cake for lunch.

Then it was off to the mall to be told that i had fucked my mom's iPhone up, and wouldn't be able to unlock it for at least a good 2 months, and even then it may not be able to work outside the states. A debacle indeed.
Alas, the mall trip wasn't a complete waste! we watched The Killers which was some sort of barbie meets action man sort of movie, a strange combo, but i enjoyed it albeit Dominic being a nuisance, making all sorts of strange sounds throughout the movie.

Tomorrow is the start of the second to last week of school, how exciting! That means its less than two weeks till I'm in the beautiful North American state of Washington! But before that i have to endure the pain of no one buying any end of the year Dance tickets AND not having bought a single thing for the dance yet, decoration nor food..ahh, many more sleepless nights to go.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

There will always be light in complete darkness,

June. 3, 2010
Flash or flicker, complete darkness is where the strong are vulnerable enough to find light.

I don't have much to say today, but i do want to shed some of my own light upon some of you, 
how do I say this, weaker people?

We all have our days, ups and downs, but when you're hurting, and you think you're alone, you're not. Honestly, you've just set yourself up to be by yourself, and that's the worst place to be whether you admit to it or not. 
So for your own good, don't push the people you love the most away from you, they're not trying to do you any harm, you're just so blinded by the situation you're going to end up making it worse for yourself.

And by all means, when you think you've to come the end, what you have yet to realize is, you've only just come to a new beginning

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


June. 2, 2010
Why hello there! No, i did not forget about all you eager readers, preying on the mere words of a young girl, I've simply just had no inspiration to write, which is absolutely unacceptable, because i know you would starve from boredom without my uplifting pieces of writing. ;)

Anyway, yes, back to the reality of me writing for the entertainment of one follower!
Today was yet another school day, but that just means one day closer to summer, and to be honest, school hasn't been too bad lately, work has started to slow down drastically and even the teachers are becoming more laid back. A definite sign of them giving up on teaching us. Although there are still a few of those eager teachers whom just wont give up without a fight, assigning us new labs with only 10 days left till school is out, and that's not even including all the classes/days we miss because of field trips.

Today was the last football game at school which was between us and ASD, but i have to admit, i wasn't really watching, i don't think any of the 6-7 supporters were.. we don't really have  a big fan base for our school. The mascot wasn't even in the right costume,  we're the dragons and for some reason we were the tigers for today..I thought dragons were extinct, but Tiger-Dragons? No no, clearly they're still a few of them around.

Well, I'm off, gonna get my duvet, some popcorn and watch a movie or detective show of somesort with mother. G'night!