Saturday, June 5, 2010

Barbie meets Action Man

June. 5, 2010
I couldn't think of anything to open this journal entry off with so i'll just dive straight into it, head first!
Dominic came over and i pwned his 4ss in COD, it was quite the sight, i must say I'm pretty impressed with myself..not that i doubted i would, i mean clearly i would win..
We even tested the old PS2 out, which turned out to be slowly breaking down on me, just like my phone.

Following the whole g4m3r aspect of the day, we headed to Shams Al Barsha, the coolest restaurant in the world, and ordered some smoothies, which was complimented very nicely with lasagne and chocolate cake for lunch.

Then it was off to the mall to be told that i had fucked my mom's iPhone up, and wouldn't be able to unlock it for at least a good 2 months, and even then it may not be able to work outside the states. A debacle indeed.
Alas, the mall trip wasn't a complete waste! we watched The Killers which was some sort of barbie meets action man sort of movie, a strange combo, but i enjoyed it albeit Dominic being a nuisance, making all sorts of strange sounds throughout the movie.

Tomorrow is the start of the second to last week of school, how exciting! That means its less than two weeks till I'm in the beautiful North American state of Washington! But before that i have to endure the pain of no one buying any end of the year Dance tickets AND not having bought a single thing for the dance yet, decoration nor food..ahh, many more sleepless nights to go.

1 comment:

  1. Shams Al Barsha! Miami smoothie, so good :P
    Strange sounds? me? at least i dont have a croaking neck :D
