Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Magic Lotion!

July. 21, 2010 Birthday cake ice cream, Pretzel M&M's, Fizzy Skittles, Root beer & Dr. Pepper... the list oges on.
No wonder why people are fat in the united states, and the also the reason for me having to exercise on a regular basis, or at least attempt to face the epic cross trainer and 5 pound weights. But, i guess its worth it..i just have no will power when it comes to food. Zip, none, nada, unheard of!

Anyway, this entry will not be all about food! (Or will it?) I guess you'll have to read on.
Nothing really new has happened at all since last post other than seeing Inception, Despicable Me and having subway for dinner two days in a row, and multiple Driver's Ed sessions crammed in between.

My family left on a  road trip to eastern Washington to stay at a hotel by a lake/river in 90 degree (F) temperatures while im stuck with over cast and a class room that smells like something i can't exactly put my finger on. Then again, i was the one who wanted to take this class, so no more complaining! It's almost over!

I'll be heading to the beach today since the sun decided to show up! And since i have been using this lotion that is supposedly supposed to 'firm' the wobbly bits on your body I'm feeling more confident! (I think it's because i have too much faith in the lotion and im seeing dellusional changes on my body). But never the less, to the beach i go! So i better pack my stuff, i'll be staying around at the cousins afterwards. Adios for now!

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