Saturday, October 30, 2010

Brilliantly Bright Hues

Ahh, seeing as i havent exactly posted anything about what's going on in my little day to day life, i shall ever so gladly let you in on a little of the excitement.
I'm thinking i'll start from approximately where i left off.
First of all, we've had a family from Norway stay for around 2 weeks, they left last weekend, I believe, in a flurry. managed to get from location A (a restaurant) to location B (the airport) within ohh, 2 hours? Keep in mind the airport is 1.5 hours away, or so. After that, the house was quieter and the population 50% smaller

Right before these guests arrived, I also managed to scrap all my money together (plus a little help from the ever so kind father of the house) to purchase a much desired Blackberry Curve. I am ecstatic about this investment. In the long term, it will really save me a lot of money, thanks to the genius application known as the epic Blackberry Messenger.

Durring the school week I have been overloaded with work at some points, and other times a stress-free night or two.

Yesterday was a celebratory day, a friend of mine had a birthday brunch. Well, to be honest, it was late lunch, early dinner, but the alliteration sounded much more pleasant.

And to think! Next weekend is my very own special day. A day in which we celebrate the birth of me, myself and I. Oh what fun! I've been eyeing this gift perched on top of my closet since Astrid left, and the temptation to rip the wrapping off has escalated into something that cant quite be classified as healthy.

In the meanwhile, I will enjoy my last week as a mere 15 year old by surrounding myself with happiness, and care, kindly supplied by my nice array of friends, whom better bake me a tray of cupcakes with frosting in brilliantly bright hues.
*Wink wink, nudge nudge*
Yes, I can be very subtle when I want.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chocolatey Bribery

It's the simple things in life that put a smile on your face, the simple things like being surprised with a bar of Toblerone out of the blue. I wonderful surprise that doesn't get old and definitely one that is pleasant and not a rude awakening.

You have won me over with a bar of oh-so-sweet-goodness.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Savior of our soul? I think not.

according to mother, im not allowed to voice my opinions anymore.

Dormant Bodies

I have put the pieces together, things are so clear. It's been right infront of our faces this whole time, literally. 
We all have satanic souls placed in our (what used to be) dormant bodies. This has only been done to cover it up. Because us humans are so complex that we tend to look past the obvious, to ignore the things staring straight at us. We were the perfect puppets, all they needed were the batteries.

However, the people who have realized this and ty to fight against it seek a god, or a religion to escape to. This only creates havoc, anger and distress. They will come after you if you try to to free yourself, and they will make life harder, much harder

I never had a reason for my atheist views, but now i do. I am not afraid and I am certainly not trying to run away. I have found the reason for why we exist, and i have accepted it, because i know nothing will ever change. It has been set in stone.

The world was created to be destroyed, and the perfect way to accomplish this was by setting us, the human race, on the planet. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

The New Religion

After over an hour of watching the 10 parts to the Illuminati: Music Industry Exposed videos on Youtube, i have come to a conclusion that...Well I'm not even sure, but I do know there is more than just one force watching over us, whom are ultimately controlling our minds, playing with our heads like little puppets, creating a portrait using face paint, a one way path towards doom. Everything is interlinked. Separately it  can do no harm, but brought together could mean the end of the world as we know it, or at least what we like to believe it is. Who is to blame? Ourselves. Why? Because we are naive and unsure, i mean honestly, no one knows why we are here. If you say 'to do good' or 'to make the world a better place', you are sadly mistaken. The only things us humans have done is destroy. We have ruined what the earth once was by being created, we have then used these resources towards our own selfishness, which changed our mindsets to want the bigger & better. It's not just what we strive for, it's our religion
Life is all based on wants, wishes and whims.
But what happens afterwards? Are we punished based on the deeds we committed to achieve the only reason we lived our lives?
Are we praised for fulfilling our dreams?
No one will ever know, leaving us a clueless, ignorant society, driven by passion and greed.

Monday, October 18, 2010

A bliss-full hiding place

With a twinkle of an eye, sheer perfection spreads across the face of happiness.
Flawless and unchangeable, at least for the time being.
I've found a place where i can hide, even if it's in the heart of the public soul, seclusion and comfort has overcome.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Dont give up, Never let go

"Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life

Driving through the city to the temple station,
Cries into the leather seat
And Susie knows the baby was a family man,
But the world has got him down on his knees

So she throws him at the wall and kisses burn like fire,
And suddenly he starts to believe
He takes her in his arms and he doesn't know why,
But he thinks that he begins to see"

Wonderful life - Hurts

Monday, October 11, 2010

Why do we talk to the dead?

I'll speak to you in riddles. 

Whether you comprehend or not, it's my secret's I want to share, but only indirectly. 

This way i wont get hurt because everyone will interoperate them differently.

Looking Through Stained Glass

A handful of questions thrown at your face isn't exactly the best way i could suggest as 'getting to know someone.' I mean yes, you do find out some rather interesting things, and traits you never knew were present, but do you really feel you know them afterwards?
Do you feel that you have the power to pinpoint what they're thinking, or feeling by a mere facial expression or tone of voice? Do you feel like you know the exact thing to make them laugh? Do you feel you know what to do to make there day that much better? 
If you do, then great, congratulations, you have great analytical skills, but as for me, i don't think this is the case.
Just the thought of you make me filled with joy, yet at the same time mass quantities of utmost confusion, but please do stay with me, because you mean ever so much.
I thought things would be crystal clear, but i have been proven otherwise.

We don't speak like lovers

There are things I wish I could force upon myself to say, to feel and to do, but I have no will power. I don't have the ability to change my mind once it's made, it feel's as if its locked in place, key thrown in the ocean, miles beneath reach. However..I know where it is, and I see it all the time, it's sadly out of my emotional reach.

I'm willing to clean things up, make them 'pretty' again, shake the dust off the shelves and march right on over there..But where do i go first? And what do i do when i get there? I'm  in the biggest fight with my self, and both sides are struggling to find out the true meaning behind their masks of emotions and body of charades. 

I'm so far from alone, yet so close to loneliness and misunderstanding.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dearest Friend O'Mine

"She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stayed too long
I'd probably break down and cry."

I  love you Astrid Samuelsberg, why did you leave?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Were all just trying to find our way

Trembling, shaking and alone.
Lost in a nightmare, one you can't hit pause or rewind, a nightmare that has now become reality. 
What was once home, is now a distant memory in wonderland.

I'm here, along with the other 6 billion people in the world, just trying to live my life the best way i know how. Whether I do things that make people happy, or sad, there are reasons behind them, reasons that I stand accountable for, and those reasons are nothing to regret, unless it depends on whether the things dearest to your heart are ripped right out of your hands.. Only then, do you think twice.

Sadly, there is nothing I can do anymore, I have guided him as far as I can, but I guess its just up to him to find his way home now..Hopefully he knows where he belongs, in our hearts, beside us, through thick and thin, good and bad. It's us against the world, without the other, all ends in a debacle.

Oktober. 8, To-tusen-ti.

Avoid the obvious, we should be facing the truth. Kinda shot cause i never had any doubts, look into your eyes, imagine life with out ya, and the love kickstarts again.


The look of hurt in a person's eyes is one thing that brings me down, hard and fast. 
It's like the protection system I have set up for myself has been burned down with a single match, and the flames are too hot and dehydrated to be quenched of their thirst. 
Yet my body disposes of water, like a never ending flow to a tap...
When will the river run dry?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hit with a bag of bricks

"I'm falling in love with your favorite song, I'm gonna sing it all night long, im gonna dance with somebody, dance with somebody, dance dance dance with somebody." - Mando Diao

Ever had a that rushing sensation of a mixture of feelings rushing over you, it's so strong you feel dizzy and light headed. Everything around you blacks out for a mili-second while the shock hits you hard, like vibrations bouncing off a wall.
That feeling,
It's really something,
it really is.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Princess and the Pea?

October. 4, 2010
Credits: Astrid Samuelsberg

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Green With Envy

Dos de Octubre de dos mil diez
When you pay $4.00 for a cute dress, you know you got a bargain! 
Ah, and people comment on how stingy i am! Well, think 10 years from now, i'll be in my apartment overlooking a beautiful patch of something, while planning my next road trip to some exotic place, drivin to in my very luxurious and extremely fast car, then lets see if all those expensive items of clothes as a teenager were worth it.
Yes, i have it all thought thoroughly through, thick and thin. 
The world better watch out, Brigitte is on her way.

A little hint; Get on my good side, cause i'll be the fun friend that makes you green with envy since you weren't invited to that extravagant party that's now all over the tabloids.

In conclusion, my life will be a globally known feat, obviously thanks to the paparazzi capturing every memorable moment and publicizing for people who took me for granted in the past to see.

Overall, yes, i did have a great day, thanks to none other than A. <- (Check out her blog)