Monday, October 25, 2010

The New Religion

After over an hour of watching the 10 parts to the Illuminati: Music Industry Exposed videos on Youtube, i have come to a conclusion that...Well I'm not even sure, but I do know there is more than just one force watching over us, whom are ultimately controlling our minds, playing with our heads like little puppets, creating a portrait using face paint, a one way path towards doom. Everything is interlinked. Separately it  can do no harm, but brought together could mean the end of the world as we know it, or at least what we like to believe it is. Who is to blame? Ourselves. Why? Because we are naive and unsure, i mean honestly, no one knows why we are here. If you say 'to do good' or 'to make the world a better place', you are sadly mistaken. The only things us humans have done is destroy. We have ruined what the earth once was by being created, we have then used these resources towards our own selfishness, which changed our mindsets to want the bigger & better. It's not just what we strive for, it's our religion
Life is all based on wants, wishes and whims.
But what happens afterwards? Are we punished based on the deeds we committed to achieve the only reason we lived our lives?
Are we praised for fulfilling our dreams?
No one will ever know, leaving us a clueless, ignorant society, driven by passion and greed.

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